Seward Location: 402-643-4557 | Osceola Location: 402-747-3381
GBE Business/Cattle Clients (only),

The state of Nebraska is taking applications from:

1. Small businesses with 5-49 W2 employees (as of March 13, 2020), or
2. Nebraska livestock producers with 1-10 W2 employees, or
3. Individual livestock producers
a. Minimum 20 Animal Units AND 2/3rds of your gross income must come from farming or ranching
b. Animal Units equal feeder cattle times 1.0 or cow/calf pairs times 1.2 or dairy cattle times 1.4

For this grant 1 employee means full time or part time (no regard to of amount of hours).

The grant is for $12,000 (each applicant) and is designated for businesses affected by COVID-19. Applications are due by June 26th.

Click HERE for summary information.
Click HERE for the Webpage and related info
Click HERE to begin the application

If questions please contact your GBE advisor.