Seward Location: 402-643-4557 | Osceola Location: 402-747-3381

We mentioned in our March Tax Tip that the deadline for FAFSA filing can be as early as March 1st each year. This is no longer true.

FAFSA Deadline – New

Students are now able to submit the FAFSA earlier. Under the current rules you may complete and submit a FAFSA as early as October 1st. For example: Students have been able to file a 2017-18 school year FAFSA since October 1, 2016 using income tax information from 2015.

For other changes and frequently asked questions please visit:

This is a significant and welcomed change from the previous cumbersome FAFSA requirements which often closed the reporting period by March 1st each year.

For more examples use this table as a guide: